Harvard Review 59
Christina Thompson |
Morgan Talty | |
Will Powers | Summerhouse |
Samuel Koláwolé | Waiting for Jemima |
Silvia Spring | The Burning House |
Erica Funkhouser | Time and Materials |
Natalie Kinkade | |
Cecily Parks | |
Megan Marshall | Free for a While |
Roxana von Kraus | Ferraye |
Nick Flynn | |
Carmen Giménez | Someday I’ll Be Astonishment and Great Change |
Joanna Klink | On Getting Married |
Nate Klug | With Locusts |
Joshua Bennett | Halation Dad Poem |
Sylvia Legris | Forecast Issued 6:00 a.m. CST Friday 1 January 2021 Forecast Issued 5:00 a.m. CST Sunday 27 December 2020 |
Keith Jones | Continents Aflame Arctic Calving |
Susan Mitchell | Chopin in Palma |
Cole Swensen | Various Gloves Sheaves |
Arthur Sze | Wildfire Season |
P. Scott Cunningham | |
Laura Mullen | On Being Told That My Students Are “Digital Natives” |
Anna V. Q. Ross | The Crossing |
Matthew Olzmann | St. Catherine of Alexandria Regarding the Recent Scar on My Jawline |
Nathaniel Bellows | Color Wheel |
Rodrigo Toscano | Clouds and Us |
Wayne Koestenbaum | [Misread “master craftsman”] |
Richard Tillinghast | Two Fires |
An Rong Xu | Grandpa |