Harvard Review 48
Christina Thompson |
Andrea Barrett | The Accident |
Catherine Carberry | Salvo for New Spain |
T. Y. Lee | My Name Is Manuel Vargas |
Suzanne Matson | Convention Center |
Brian Doyle | A Sprawl of Brothers The Fourth of March |
Katherine Hengel Frankowski | Blasphemy |
Walter M. Robinson | White Cloth Ribbons |
Patricia Vigderman | Out of the Shadows |
George Choundas | The Vengeances |
Roxana von Kraus |
Dan Beach-Quick | Shepherd of— Apophatic |
Eleanor Stanford | Long-billed Curlew (Numensius longistrosis) |
Christopher Buckley | Sky Circling Among Branches |
Matt Morton | The Expedition |
Jill McDonough | Susan and the Mountains of Aristarchus |
Sherod Santos | I Went for a Walk in Winter |
Nancy Takacs | The Worrier: body |
Victoria Chang | Barbie Chang’s Father Calls |
Joshua Marie Wilkinson | The Easement [I think it’s the locked doors] The Easement [I’m the friend of the night] |
Elizabeth T. Gray Jr. | Construction of Trench Systems: Explanation of Diagram #1 |
Aracelis Girmay | |
Tony Hoagland | Four Beginnings for an Apocalyptic Novel of Manners |
Lynne Sharon Schwartz | Renee Returned |
Cole Swensen | More pearl: More pearl again: |
Danniel Shoonebeek | No Key |
Raúl Zurita, trans. Anna Deeny Morales | from Anteparadise: CI from Anteparadise: CII from Anteparadise: CIII |
Alison Rossiter | Eastman Kodak Velox Eastman Kodak Velox from the series Air from the series Blurs from the series Landscapes |
Richard Butler | whenisaidiloveyouilied thelastauguriesofjuanitadelacruz naturalhistory |
Elizabeth Harris | Gravity 3 Gravity 14 Gravity 13 |
Amy Schuyler Clarkson | Shelter Transparency Perched Stacked Crowd Tumble |
Jessica Ferguson | Kouros Tome XXIV Poznan bird/2 The Moon/vertical Sommaire |
David Weinberg | Palimpsest #1 Palimpsest #5 Palimpsest #7 Palimpsest #10 Palimpsest #12 |