Harvard Review 41
Christina Thompson | Editorial |
C. Morgan Babst | The Winter Horses |
Chip Cheek | Negative Six |
David Sornig | Your Voice Is Lead |
Michelle D. Seaton | Killer Kowalski’s School of Love |
Michael Kardos | A Story with Strong, Graceful Hands |
Patricia Vigderman | |
Kathryn Rhett | Wayward |
Linda Bamber | Cher Jacques |
John Nelson | Death and the Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Eric Freeze | Hemingway on a Bike |
Nicholas Birns | Samuel Menashe, 1925-2011 |
Nicole Sealey | |
Siobhan Phillips | Don Quixote in the Hudson Valley |
Alfred de Vigny, trans. Joachim Zemmour | The Death of the Wolf |
Matthea Harvey | Using a Hula Hoop Can Get You Abducted by Aliens |
D. Nurkse | Angle of Spain Red Antares in a Blue Mirror |
Kate McQuade | Sleight of Hand |
Stanley Plumly | Arbitrarily |
Alicia Ostriker | I Want to Live The Battlefield |
Tomasz Różycki, trans. Mira Rosenthal | Military Exercises Interior The Whale |
Anis Shivani | Letter to Jack London |
Kate Farrell | The Fever The Star |
Samuel Menashe | Reproduce! |
Denise Duhamel | Tina and the Bruised Hearts If You Really Want To |
Martha Collins | [white paper #16] [white paper #24] |
Stephanie Ford | The Episteme of Iowa |
Kamilah Aisha Moon | Stacy |
Taije Silverman | Philtrum |
Cy Twombly | Proem (Preface) Proteus Wilder Shores of Love Summer Madness Untitled (Bacchus 1st Version VI) III Notes from Salalah (Note II) Thyrsis’ Lament for Daphnis Fifty Days at Ilium Part IX |
Donald Sultan | Black Lemon, June 26 Lemon and Eggs, March 15 Black Eggs, June 3 Black Tulip, May 18 Black Tulip, February 22 Lemons Matisse Flowers and Vase |
Matt Saunders | Hertha Thiele (Kuhle Wampe, To Whom Does the World Belong?) Interview (Hertha Thiele, 1975) #5, #4 Interview (Hertha Thiele, 1975) #1, Hertha Thiele (Frau Lehmann’s Daughters) #1 Stills from Passageworks animation Stills from Passageworks animation Stills from Passageworks animation Monument Asta Mirror (Pour) #1 Asta Mirror (Pour) #2 Zeichentusche (Diptych) Zeichentusche (detail) |
Patrick Strzelec | Dash Dash Rap Handle Filter |
Marty Davis | Pond II Pond V Pond I Pond III |