Harvard Review 4
Alfred Alcorn | from The Log of the MOM |
Stephen Dobyns | from The Wrestler’s Cruel Study |
Edmund Keeley | from School for Pagan Lovers |
Stanislaw Baranczak | To Tell It All: Czeslaw Milosz’s “Six Lectures in Verse” |
Manuela Bertone | Pandora’s Box |
Sven Birkerts | The Flaneur |
William Corbett | Charles Olson’s Funeral |
John Farrell | Postmodern Instances |
Norbert Fremont | The Red Beet |
Helen Fremont | Letter from Rome |
Seamus Heaney | On W.B. Yeat’s “The Man and the Echo” |
H.L. Hix | In Scriptions/ Ex-Positions |
Theodor Kallifatides | Language and Identity |
Suzanne Matson | Disquieting Muses |
Michael Milburn | On Criticism |
Kathryn Parsons | Cornering |
Cyrus R. K. Patell | Screen Memory |
Liam Rector | Reports from the Culture Wars |
Renee Ashley | Arethusa, Deep |
Daniel Bosch | The Crucible |
Andre du Bouchet | ash shading into blue |
Sophia de Mello Breyner | Delphic (Pt. IV) |
Lucie Brock-Broido | Rome Beauty |
Julia Budenz | Equipoise |
Marcus Cafagna | Reading Sex |
Rodney Dennis | By the New York Public Library |
Denise Duhamel | Why, on a Bad Day, I can Relate to the Manatee |
Stuart Friebert | Funeral Pie |
Barbara Jordan | Menteth Glen |
Sarah Kafatou | Spring |
Mary Karr | Grace |
Katherine Lederer | Near Sikl Farm Road |
Thomas Lux | A Streak of Blood that Once was a Tiny Red Spider |
Fred Marchant | Fragments on the Last Night |
David Mason | The Rhythm of Work |
Alvaro Mutis | Adobe Three Images |
William Rice | Nature Lover |
Nicholas Samaras | Jordanville |
Tony Sanders | Sunday Evening |
Peter Dale Scott | Letter to Paul Alpers |
Michael Sifakis | dreams II |
Charles Simic | The Clocks of the Dead |
Bruce Smith | Summer in the Crumbling State |
Kim Sowol | Songs From The Riverbank |
Chris Wallace-Crabbe | Ode to Morpheus |
Anna Warrock | Heart, Hurt |
Oksana Zabuzhko | untitled |
Rachel Hadas | The Blessing |
Sue Standing | Event Horizon |