Harvard Review 2
Ivan Mandy | In Place Of A Foreword God |
Grace Dane Mazur | Silk |
Norman Rush | Excerpt from Equals |
Manuela Bertone | Letter from Rome |
Sven Birkerts | The Flaneur |
Ales Debelijak | Letter from Ljubljana |
Rodney Dennis | A Voice From The Library |
Robert Faggen | Loose Cannons |
John Farrell | Postmodern Instances |
Robert Fitzgerald | Gold and Gloom in Ezra Pound |
Norbert Fremont | The Chechens |
Helen Fremont | Letter from Lvov |
Allen Grossman | The Death Of The Beloved Companion |
Rachel Hadas | Staring Past Whatever There Is |
Leigh Hafrey | On Communication |
Paul Hannigan | Grammarian At Large |
H.L. Hix | In-Scriptions/ Ex-Positions |
Henry Hughes | Letter from Niigata |
X.J. Kennedy | Outbound to Alewife |
Harry Levin | Nabokov and Cervantes |
Michael Milburn | On Criticism |
Liam Rector | Reports From The Culture Wars |
David Rivard | Empire Burlesque |
Robert Scanlan | A Wake In The Front Row |
George Scialabba | A Muse Of Politics |
Prudence Steiner | Educated Men, Women, and Ghosts |
Kathleen Aguero | A Visit to the Psychic At 41 |
A.R. Ammons | Following Tragedy |
Tina Barr | Armless |
Yves Bonnefoy | De Natura Rerum |
Daniel Bosch | The Prodigal: At The Buffet |
Gerald Burnsteel | Atlantic City Memoir |
Naomi Feigelson Chase | I Can Tell You Now |
William Corbett | O, July 1992 |
Rodney G. Dennis | Gypsies |
William Doreski | Factory Work |
K.E. Duffin | Houses |
Denise Duhamel | Things I Could Never Tell My Mother |
Jorie Graham | Indeterminacy: A Quartet |
Steven Graves | Rains |
Donald Hall | “Nunc est bibendum” |
Seamus Heaney | An Invocation |
Miguel Hernandez | The World Is As It Appears |
Fred Marchant | Song Of the Stomache |
Michael Milburn | Loose Ends |
Geoffrey Movius | Morning Walk |
George Seferis | The Cats Of St. Nicholas |
Diann Blackely Shoaf | Vertigo |
Charles Simic | Shaving |
Michael Small | Camille Claudel |
Joseph Stanton | Ironwoods |
Wislawa Szymbroska | A Byzantine Mosaic |
Jorge Tellier | So Long |
Gale Walden | The Falling of Objects |
Carolyne Wright | Another Look At “Albion on the Rock”: Plate 38 of Blake’s Milton |