Harvard Review 55
Christina Thompson |
Tiphanie Yanique | |
Ben Hinshaw | Antediluvian |
Ander Monson | This Time With Feeling |
Robert Long Foreman | Hannah Vechter and the Mockup Man |
David Rompf | |
Natalie Hodges | Untrainment |
William Pierce | |
Phil Campbell | Ohio Gothic |
Megan Marshall | The World Belongs to Him Who Has Seen It |
Nicholas Cannariato | An Interview with Elaine Scarry |
Rosa Alcalá |
Desire |
Dan Beachy-Quick | Mother and Child, Cast Out to Sea Anacreon 35 |
Sidney Burris | Nocture: Pascal Says |
Stanley Plumly | As You Leave the Room |
Mira Rosenthal | Latch Distinction |
Emily Tristan Jones | Buttercup I Buttercup II |
Scott Harney | At the Hospital of the Holy Ghost |
Daniel Borzutzky | Quarantine 2 |
Sylvie Baumgartel | Painting Pregnancy |
V. Penelope Pelizzon | Africa Hand |
Roxane Beth Johnson | Portrait of Her Husband as a Crow Thunderbird |
Dawn Tripp | Midnight |
Bruce Willard | Sanctuary |
G. C. Waldrep | St. Melangell’s Day, Eastnor (VI) |
D. Nurkse | The Unendurable Tests |
James Richardson | Momentum |
Ginny Wiehardt | Future Beauty |
Christopher Spaide |