Harvard Review 30

Harvard Review 30

Christina Thompson



Katherine Vaz

Lisbon Story

Anthony Varallo


Kate Grenville


Askold Melnyczuk

The Translator


Melvin Jules Bukiet

Three Books in a Bad Season

Kathryn Rhett

Our So-Called Illustrious Past

Blake Bailey

John Cheever’s “Hollywood Problem”

Christie McDonald

Brushes with History


Tomaž Šalamun

I Dwell Silently, trans. Joshua Beckman and the Author
Celestial Brass, trans. Joshua Beckman and the Author
*, trans. Phillis Levin and the Author
Our School, trans. Peter Richards and Ana Jelnikar
U Nu, trans. Ana Jelnikar and Joshua Beckman
+++, trans. Ana Jelnikar and Joshua Beckman

Herman de Coninck

Just as This Island Belongs…, trans. Laure-Anne Bosselaar and Kurt Brown

Jim Goar

A Toast to the Dirty Work

John F. Deane


David Ferry

A Note on Kalogeris’s Seferis

David Ricks

Seferis’s Three Secret Poems

George Kalogeris

Three Secret Poems: from the Greek…

James Sitar

High Winds

Ben Mazer

A Deaconess
Strawberry Night

Ann Snodgrass


Barbara Helfgott Hyett

After the Seder

Jennifer S. Flescher

Virginia, Was There a Leaf…

June Beisch

In Muir Woods

David Blair

Ode to the Ethics of Ambiguity

Art Nahill

Love Poem Without Modifiers
Man Has Arm Reattached…

Marcia Karp

My He

Jacquelyn Pope


Jennifer Barber

Medina del Campo, Castile

Wendy Mnookin

The Moon Makes Its Own Plea

Fred Marchant

Agricola, Agricolae

Daniel Bosch


Daniel Tobin

In the Flesh

Philip Nikolayev

A Field Day

Frannie Lindsay


Ted Richer


Steven Cramer


Jill McDonough

August 30, 1850
June 1, 1660



Roger Kizik

Five Drawings

Robert Bechtle

Five Drawings


Jeffrey Galbraith

David Baker, Midwest Eclogue

William Doreski

Ted Berrigan, The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan

Jonathan Weinert

Frank Bidart, Star Dust: Poems

Odile Cisneros

João Cabral de Melo Neto, Education by Stone

Jacquelyn Pope

Anne Carson, Decreation

Prudence L. Steiner

Helen R. Deese, ed., Daughter of Boston

Shrode Hargis

Anne Fadiman, ed., Rereadings

Philip Thibodeau

David Ferry, trans., The Georgics of Virgil

Thomas O'Grady

Eamon Grennan, The Quick of It

Andrew DuBois

Tyehimba Jess, leadbelly

Tim Kindseth

Katia Kapovich, Gogol in Rome

Brinda Charry

Wendy Lesser, The Pagoda in the Garden

Laura Albritton

Yiyun Li, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers

Rodney G. Dennis

Charles Martin, trans., Ovid, Metamorphoses

Benjamin Paloff

Harry Matthews, My Life in CIA

Henry Hughes

John Montague, Drunken Sailor

Andrew DuBois

Caryl Phillips, Dancing in the Dark

Maggie Dietz

Jacquelyn Pope, Watermark

Susan Lumenello

Christine Schutt, Florida

Joyce Wilson

Floyd Skloot, A World of Light
Floyd Skloot, In the Shadow of Memory

Christopher Bock

Daniel Tobin, The Narrows