Harvard Review 3
Corinne Demas Bliss | Certain Treacheries |
Robert Boswell | Dark and Slender Tongues |
Miklos Meszoly | Christmas, Nineteen-Fifties |
Paula Panich | Ollie & Patsy & Guido & Me |
Sven Birkerts | The Flaneur |
Yiorgos Chouliaras | Letter from Delphi |
William Corbett | Trailing Robert Lowell |
Jodi Daynard | In Search of Incandescence: Time, Space, and Women Writers |
Archie C. Epps | The Rhetoric of Malcom X |
John Farrell | Postmodern Instances |
Robert Gardner | The Impulse to Preserve |
Paul Hannigan | Grammarian at Large |
Jonathan Hart | Letter from Edmonton |
H. L. Hix | In-Scriptions / Ex-Positions |
X. J. Kennedy | Outbound to Alewife |
Fred Marchant | Anima Mundi |
Lucy McCauley | Letter from Budapest |
Dennis O'Driscoll | Letter from Dublin |
Nicole Olier | Letter from Bordeaux |
Cyrus R. K. Patell | Screen Memory |
Liam Rector | Reports from the Culture Wars |
Jane Regan | Letter from Port-au-Prince |
Robert Scanlan | A Wake in the Fourth Row |
George Scialabba | A Muse of Politics |
Michael Small | Letter from Melbourne |
Matthew Stewart | Letter from Quito |
Peter Temes | A Stumbling Map |
Wesley Wehr | Elizabeth Bishop & Suzanne K. Langer |
Nadya Aisenberg | Out to Tea |
Mikhail Aizenberg | untitled |
John Ashbery | Dinosaur Country |
Edward Baratta | Faith |
Georgi Belev | untitled |
Bruce Bennett | Two poems |
Robert Bly | Two Men Swimming |
Kelly Cherry | Listening to Oneself |
Yiorgos Chouliaras | Of the Sea |
Martha Collins | Mass |
Ellen Davis | One Thing |
Chard deNiord | On the Mountain of Spices |
Owen Doyle | Before and After a Coup d’Etat |
Celia Gilbert | A Vision |
Angel Gonzalez | Erudites on Campus |
Miriam Goodman | Square I |
Lee Harwood | The Artful Dodger |
Robert Hass | The Gardens of Warsaw |
James Hayford | My Window To Robert Frost |
Brenda Hillman | The Spark Cheap Gas |
Czeslaw Milosz | To Allen Ginsberg |
Jeff Mock | Glass |
David Rivard | Hush & Taunt |
Kabita Sinha | I left a Long Time Back |
Floyd Skloot | Cape Lookout |
W.D. Snodgrass | The Balland of Jesse Holmes |
Gerald Sullivan | Ossipee Lake |
Richard Tillinghast | On a Bothic Ivory |
Joyce Wilson | Woman in the Dunes |