Harvard Review 13
Tina Barr | The Poet as Trickster Figure, Charles Simic’s Pack of Cards |
Victor Contoski | The Undramatic Theater of Charles Simic |
William Corbett | We’ll Talk |
Ellen Davis | Metaphysician at Large |
Chard deNiord | He Who Remembers His Shoes, Charles Simic |
William Doreski | Dusty Storefronts, Rooms Far Back in Time |
Robert Gardner | ‘Little Unwritten Book’ by Charles Simic |
Brian Henry | Choice Ingredients: Review of Simic’s Orphan Factory |
Michael Hoffman | Reading Simic in Poor Light |
Fred Marchant | Notes on a Two-line Poem by Simic |
Suzanne Matson | Strange Cities |
David Rivard | Mr. Charlie Goes to Smithville |
Peter Schmidt | Notes on Charles Simic’s New White (1997) |
Karen Volkman | The World Doesn’t End: Charles Simic’s Spectral Geography |
Bruce Weigl | Simic and Whitman at Northwood |
Brian C. F. Avery | A Simic Bibliography |
Seamus Heaney | Shorts for Simic |
Charles Simic | Chronology Notebooks 1996-1997 |
Manuel Savidis | From Birth to Boston (and Back) |
Russell Banks | Schooldays |
Charles SImic | Deep Pond White Little Unwritten Book Medieval Miniature On the Lack of Respect for the Ceiling And What Would Groucho Marx Do With His Cigar? |
Jorie Graham | Eve |
K.E. Duffin | The Voyeur and the Prisoner: Simic’s Windows |
Dmitri Mitropoulos | Drawing |
Nan Cuba | American Owned Love by Robert Boswell |
Stratis Haviaras | At Large by Charles Simic Camel of Darkness; Selected Poems by Yianns Patilis |
Brian Bouldrey | Believers, A Novella and Stories by Charles Baxter Burning Down the House, Essays on Fiction by Charles Baxter |
William Doreski | Canaan by Geoffrey Hill Glare by A.R. Ammons Today in the Cafe Trieste by Richard Tillinghast |
Briggs Seekins | Flower and Hand by W.S. Merwin Understanding W.S. Merwin by H.L. Hix |
David Blair | Furthering My Education by William Corbett |
John S. Barrett | In the Shadow of Prague by Olly Komenda-Soentgerath |
Tony Hoagland | Lassos of Hopelessness: Resurrection Update, Collected Poems 1975-1997 by James Galvin |
Shelli Jankowski-Smith | Natal Command by Peter Sacks |
Joan Mark | Native American History: A Chronology of Culture’s Vast Achievement and Their Links to World Events by Judith Nies |
Helen Fremont | Peltse and Penameron by Volodymyr Dibrova |
Zack Rogow | Pereira Declares: A Testimony by Antonio Tabucchi |
Adam Kirsch | Quality Time by Dennis O’Driscoll |
K.E. Duffin | Robert Frost and the Challenge of Darwin by Robert Faggen |
Thomas McNeely | Something Borrowed by Alexandra Baxter |
Larissa Glasser | The Church of Dead Girls by Stephen Dobyns |
Graham Christian | The Errancy: Poems by Jorie Graham Three Worlds: New Ukrainian Writing by Ed Hogan Unopened Letters by Linda Zisquit |
Genevieve Abravanel | The Hour Between Dog and Wolf by Laura-Anne Bosselaar |
Marcia Deihl | The Hunger Moon by Suzanne Matson |
Kevin Gallagher | The Women Carry River Water by Nguyen Quand Thieu |
Ellen Davis | Writing Between the Lines: An Anthology on War and Its Social Consequences by Kevin Bowen and Bruce Weigl |