Roger Bonair-Agard
Roger Bonair-Agard is a native of Trinidad & Tobago, and Brooklyn. He is author of tarnish & masquerade (Cypher Books, 2006; GULLY (Cypher Books, 2010); Bury My Clothes (Haymarket Books, 2013), which was long-listed for the National Book Award and won the Society of Midland Authors award for poetry; and Where Brooklyn At?! (Willow Books/Aquarius Press, 2016). His work has been published in Rattapallax, Louisville University Review, Union Station Magazine, Harvard Review Online, Gulf Coast, Poem a Day, Drunken Boat, Poetry Magazine Online, Callaloo, Apex Magazine, Crab Orchard Review, and several anthologies. A Cave Canem fellow, he is Writer-in-Residence at National Sawdust, co-founder of NYC’s LouderARTS Project, and creator and facilitator of The Baldwin Protocols Reading Series. He is the program director at Free Write Arts & Literacy at Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center and Cook County Jail Division 10 in Chicago and father of Uma, Nina, and Arima.