Doug Rutledge
Doug Rutledge has a PhD in English from the University of Chicago and an MFA in Creative Writing from Ashland University. He is the editor of Ceremony and Text in the Renaissance, published by the University of Delaware Press. He is the author of The Somali Diaspora: A Journey Away, published by the University of Minnesota Press. His essay, "Visibile Parlare: Ekphrastic Images in the Poetry of Angie Estes," was published in Ekphrasis in American Poetry: the Colonial Period to the 21st Century, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2015. Moreover, his poem, "The Quiet Violin," has recently been awarded the Second Runner-Up place in the 2015 Auburn Witness Poetry Prize and will soon appear in Southern Humanities Review. In addition, his poetry and reviews have appeared or will soon appear in Chautauqua Literary Journal, River Teeth, Rattle, Asheville Poetry Review, The Journal, Quiddity International Literary Journal, Third Coast, Southwestern American Literature, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Common Ground Review, the Jabberwock Review, and Lumina.