Camonghne Felix
Camonghne Felix, M.A. is a poet, a writer, speaker, and political strategist. She received an M.A. in Arts Politics from NYU, an MFA from Bard College, and has received Fellowships from Cave Canem, Callaloo, and Poets House. Camonghne was the Director of Surrogates & Strategic Communications at Elizabeth Warren for President. Her first full-length collection of poems, Build Yourself a Boat (Haymarket Books), was longlisted for the 2019 National Book Award for Poetry. Her debut was also a 2017 University of Wisconsin Press Brittingham and Pollak Prize finalist and a 2017 Fordham University Poets Out Loud semi-finalist. The author of the chapbook Yolk, she was recently listed by Black Youth Project as a "Black Girl From the Future You Should Know." Her books Let the Poets Govern, and Dyscalculia are forthcoming from Penguin Random House.