AKaiser, PhD, is the Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and author of glint (Milk & Cake Press, 2019), and a translator from Catalan, French and Spanish. She is currently translating the collected works of Catalan poet Anna Gual, Unnamable, for which she has been awarded an NEA Fellowship; the writings of the first Iberian translator of Whitman, transatlantic urbanista and city-garden advocate, Cebrià Montoliu; the poetry of Mexican writers Javier Acosta and Bertha María Inzunza Choza, as well as a new translation of Breton’s Nadja. Recent poems and photos appear in Amsterdam Quarterly, New Square, Pen + Brush’s In Print (No. 5), and Poetry International. Her work has been supported by ATLAS ViceVersa, SAFTA, and la Cité Internationale des Arts. https://akexperiments.org