In the Blue Casino

by Christian Wessels

Where the windowless rooms
Manufacture stimulations

A body associates with pleasure
Where more modifies neither object

Nor concept but a life with
Other measurements like three dreams

And blue making three blue dreams
Where the temperature decreases

A half-mark at every event
Described as a win or loss

Where an old man at the poker table
Vows to posthumously donate

His life insurance to clean industries
Where the wheel moves too fast

Too fast too fast over
The predestined number where faith

Becomes a functional impossibility
Because here you’re no kind of person

Anymore though you wonder
Was that true before where you enter

And exit the washroom there are rules
First you need to leave the blue casino

To believe it was real second
You can never be clean again

Third you must wash your hands
With soap and water

Published on August 21, 2024