The Ending Is in the Beginning
by Todd Boss
of this first movement of Suite
No. 3 in C major for solo
cello by Bach.
It’s lovely and sad, how it
knows itself, knows its own
closing as it opens. Sad,
and also exhilarating,
how every moment of it
seems part of the ending,
how halfway through, you
get the feeling the ending
has long ago begun
so that as you’re listening you
hear the work end, then end
again—then end another way
and another—then find
a new kind of ending and add
an ending to that ending that
seems to end things once
and for all—then fall
into what can only be the end
of endings. And you know it
when it comes, that final
finale. It comes about
like a hunger, like a thirst,
and it leaves no doubt.
You knew what to listen for
all along, as it turns out.
Published on January 20, 2011