CC image from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Photo Library
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Cyrus Cassells
The “Land Ho” Kiss
by Cyrus Cassells
This isn’t the Ark, this cruise ship,
Though in life, we’re occasionally imperiled,
Occasionally jubilant animals on a journey,
Not unlike Noah’s recruited camels & safe-kept toucans—
Our ship-provided horoscopes remind us
We’re both hard-to-budge
Earth signs (Taurus & Capricorn)
So how did the serene nighttime sea become
Our escalating desire’s sponsor
& Venus’s “well, what have we here” white gleam,
A busybody governess or duenna?
Stargazer, co-passenger,
I know it’s a matter of supreme kismet
When I linger too long on deck
Just to listen & absorb
Your marvelous vintage guitar
The way my mother Isabel always relished
Nat King Cole & Johnny Mathis;
Confession: when I broadcast her ashes
Over the coastline’s blue hullabaloo,
So help me, I crooned “Chances Are”—
Night after night between ports-of-call,
The both of us insistent Sherlocks,
Ready-or-not gossips, we banter
Until inglorious wolf’s hour
About our equally hurly-burly pasts:
Our make-believe fisticuffs & top-secret crushes.
I even venture singing Simon & Garfunkel’s
“Cecilia” & “The Boxer” with you on a minor dare—
My tenor to your baritone—
Your part Welsh, part Métis skin,
Usually chaplain-pale
From Yuletide Montreal, has bronzed
So thoroughly in the puissant sun,
Your upbeat Quebecois posse insists
You could pass for Cuban—
Under Cassiopeia & the leeward stars,
Your chance-taking lips on mine
Are deadsure—paramount & gorgeous
& your coppery flesh runs warm,
My sun-worshipping Magellan.
Is this glorious, precipitous,
“Land ho” kiss—
This immense starboard ecstasy,
The end of figurative storms?
Troubadour, dice-roller, night raconteur,
Where will you lead me—
Like Noah’s unerring dove,
Now that you know I’ll follow?
Published on August 25, 2022